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Bevor Sie zu ILIAS wechseln, akzeptieren Sie die folgenden Nutzungsvereinbarungen.

1. ILIAS Learning Management System

ILIAS is a Learning Management System for supporting web-based teaching and learning. It is open source software that is published under the General Public Licence (GPL). As clearly explained in the licence, there is no warranty for this free software.
If you have questions concerning ILIAS or if you want to contribute to the project, please contact the ILIAS core team or visit ILIAS' homepage at www.ilias.de.

2. ILIAS Evaluation Installation

The ILIAS team is offering this evaluation installation for test purposes. This installation is always a snapshot of the current development process. Therefore it can be still buggy or not working properly. There is no warranty for a faultlessly use of this installation!
Please do not use this installation for production purposes!
Due to system maintenance or for technical reasons, this installation might be set offline without any premonition. Also any content or settings might be erased without warning.

3. Copyright

Please respect all copyright regulations! Do not publish any content in this installation for that you have not the rights of use and distribution.